I Tried a Manifesting Experiment: Here’s What Happened


I tried a gardening experiment with my 6-year-old son, Trevor, to help us learn how our thoughts and words shape our manifesting abilities.

I doubted that the “experiment” would actually work, but I knew it would be a fun activity to get us both outside in the garden together.

As it turned out, the results were really surprising!

Here’s what happened…

How We Conducted Our Manifesting Experiment

To start, Tru and I headed to a garden store to grab supplies.

We bought two identical pots and filled them both with soil from the same potting mix.

We planted two seeds in each of the pots, all from the same sunflower seed packet.

We placed both pots on the same windowsill and watered them both each morning.

Here’s the one and only difference in our treatment of the two pots:

Every day, we’d face the pot marked with a heart, our “Love Plants,” and say the most loving things we could think of like:

“You’re growing so fast,” “you’re so strong,” “you’re doing amazing,” and “you’re so loved.”

To the other pot, our “Fear Plants,” we’d say unloving things, like:

“You won’t grow,” “you’re weak,” “you’re too slow,” and “we don’t like you.”

The Results of Our Manifesting Experiment

In complete honesty, since we were taking excellent physical care of both plants, I didn’t think our words would make any difference.

But within just one week, I was shocked to see the results!

The Love Plants had both become thriving seedlings with strong stems and leaves.

In stark contrast, the Fear Plants had just a speck of green peeking through the soil!

As the weeks progressed, the Fear Plants continued to lag behind.

My real surprise came when we planted the seedlings outside in our garden.

Within a week, some mystery animal — maybe a chipmunk or squirrel — snuck into our garden and ate the leaves off both Fear Plants.

Whatever the creature was, it chose not to touch the Love Plants.

The animal did enough damage to kill one Fear Plant. The other Fear Plant had stunted growth and eventually other plants in the garden overtook the poor plant. It never bloomed.

Meanwhile, both Love Plants thrived and eventually grew into healthy, towering sunflowers.

The sunflowers grew so tall that Tru had to get up on Chris’s shoulders to take a photo with them!

The Lessons I Learned From Our Manifesting Experiment

After completing this experiment, I’m more convinced than ever that we all have manifesting power. Our ability to manifest starts in our minds and eventually shapes our future experiences.

Here are the most important things I learned:

1.) Your thoughts and words — all of them — have extraordinary power.

In the past, I paid little attention to the words I used in my everyday life. I never noticed the connection between my thoughts and my experiences. But this experiment taught me that my words are definitely impacting my future. I’m getting better at redirecting myself when I notice I’m on a train of negative thoughts or words.

2.) Everyone around you — including your kids, your pets, even your plants — can be positively influenced and uplifted by your loving thoughts and words.

By the end of the experiment, I felt awful that our two Fear Plants didn’t survive. After learning my lesson, I now send lots of love to all of my plants (and my dog too). Our words really do impact all living things! And I’m much more generous in using kindness, praise, and loving words toward my family.

I’m also working on speaking more lovingly to myself. That’s the toughest skill to master because, as human beings, we’re all so critical of ourselves. But the experiment really opened my eyes to the incredible physical impact of my own mind.

3.) Your thoughts eventually manifest as things, so choose love!

Check Out These Other Posts You Might Love:

Manifestation 101: Your Ultimate Guide to Manifesting

Easy Guide to Affirmations: What They Are and How They Work

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  1. September 26, 2023 / 3:41 pm

    This is awesome Jenn! I’m writing a blog post about how are thoughts influence our behaviors. I’d love to reference this blog post by giving a link as a resource. Would you be okay with that? The blog is happily-ever-aging.com

    And Trevor is 6???? I cannot believe that. Where did the time go?


    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      September 27, 2023 / 10:52 am

      I love your blog! And yes, please feel free to share this post.☺️💗

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