My True Story: My Experience with a Guardian Angel


Have you ever had an experience with divine intervention, a guardian angel, or a departed loved one?

I have a story I’ve never shared before, not ever. It feels pretty raw and vulnerable to talk about, actually. But I’ve had a sense lately that I’m ready to share this experience that means so much to my heart.


So here’s my story of the first time I felt touched by a guardian angel (this is my first time ever sharing this!):


My grandfather, Pepere, was a strong and solid presence in my family. When I was young, my parents, brothers, and I lived above him in his two-story home. I think he represented the same sense of security to all of us in the family: commanding and steady. Watching him get very sick from cancer was really disconcerting and unsettling, to say the least.

Pepere’s funeral was at the big Catholic church he attended. I’d reached young adulthood by that time, and the church seemed to me a relic from an ancient past. I was also raised Catholic. But by the time Pepere died, I didn’t believe in God at all.


Why would a loving God create a world so full of pain and suffering where everything ends with the same sad fate?


And why did God create women if he hated them so much? (Women weren’t allowed to be priests in my church, and my church’s story of “the fall from Grace” said that Eve was to blame.) None of it made any logical sense in my mind, so I cast off all religion as old fashioned propaganda.

At the funeral, looking at Pepere lying in the casket was very frightening. His body was still right there. But the ‘aliveness’ had disappeared entirely. His body hadn’t gone anywhere when he died, but that invisible ‘animating life force’ was definitely gone.

Although I no longer identified as religious, an urgent request crossed my mind.


I had the thought, “Pepere, if you do have some kind of spirit that survives death, please let me know somehow.”


As soon as the service was over, I tried to erase the disturbing experience from my mind. I wanted to escape back into my routine and pretend this dark side of human existence wasn’t real. I forgot the request I made to Pepere.


But then something really weird happened…


At the time, Chris and I used a really old alarm-clock-radio in our bedroom. One morning a couple of days after the funeral, the alarm went off at a very strange time that we would never have set (about 4am). The radio was turned to full volume, so the blasting music startled us wide awake. The song that was playing on the radio was popular at the time: “Honey Bee” by Blake Shelton. Chris and I looked at each other with wide eyes. We both felt something powerful and strange had happened, but we couldn’t process what was going on.

Suddenly, I remembered the request I had made to Pepere at the funeral. There was a commanding presence in the room that was unmistakable. I realized that I’d just received the sign I’d asked for in a way that was so obvious, I couldn’t deny it.


Ever since that morning, I hear the song “Honey Bee” on the car radio at very significant moments.


It played when I drove to a family get-together for Memere’s birthday (Pepere’s wife). It played when my parents came to visit and we drove my son to his very first Red Sox game. It played in the rental car when we did a big family trip to Disney World. I could go on and on and on with the examples…

I’ve received so many “signs from above” at this point, I feel certain that Pepere lives on in spirit. So many years later, he’s still guiding me and experiencing life beside me and through me.

He got me started on my spiritual path too. After “Honey Bee” played for the first time, I felt compelled to read my first “spiritual” book titled, Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani. My experience reading that book was one I’ll always remember with love. I felt that I’d finally found the message my heart had always searched for. To this day, Anita’s book is still one of my favorites. I’d never read a metaphysical book before, but it directly answered my questions about the spirit surviving death of the body.


When I think back on the reasons why I received such an amazing and clear “sign from above,” I think there were two main factors. 1.) I set a very clear intention. I specifically asked for a sign with a genuine longing to receive an answer. 2.) I didn’t have any resistance in my thinking. Since I forgot about my request shorty after, I never had any resistant or opposing thoughts like, “why isn’t my sign coming?” or “what am I doing wrong?” etc. I think that winning combo allowed the sign to come through in a way that was unmistakable and pronounced.



Yesterday, I got the idea to write a post about Pepere. Shortly after I had the idea, I hopped into the car to pick up Trevor. I’m sure you can guess what was playing as soon as I started the ignition! And “Honey Bee” is over 10 years old now, so it’s rarely played on the radio anymore. I feel strongly that Pepere is encouraging me to follow my heart and share this story. It’s such a relief to know that the spirit of Pepere is still here with me. He’s like a guardian angel. That ‘aliveness’ only seemed to disappear when he died because the ‘animating spirit’ was no longer attached to his body. It’s beyond and outside his body now, and therefore eternal.


When I’m going through challenging situations in my life, I have the reassurance of knowing I’m never truly alone.


If you’ve ever had an experience with guardian angels, departed loved ones, or divine intervention, please share it with me! You can write a comment below or send me an email via my Contact page.

I think a lot of people have similar experiences with guardian angels, but we don’t talk about them nearly enough. So let’s start talking!


We’re surrounded by wonders we cannot see. – Jen Elizabeth’s Journals









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  1. May 6, 2022 / 8:46 am

    Love this story Jen! Angels are everywhere!

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      May 6, 2022 / 10:40 am

      Yes!! After the experiences I’ve had, I truly believe that. ❤️❤️😇

  2. Musi Ferdinand
    January 26, 2023 / 3:35 pm

    Hi Jen. I’m Ferdinand from Bali Nyonga, about 20km West of Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon, West Africa. I grew with my maternal grandparents literally loose. I led an adventurous and inquisitive life. My curiousity was centered most on what matters most in life. I had interest on interest on spiritual matters. I have been Catholic, had interest on esoteric matters and feeling disturbing emptiness within me. I was aiming to get membership into the Rosicrucian Order( found literature on it from a deceased uncle’s library).I believed it will give me hope in life for I had no support to forge my education. I had placed my hands on stuff on freemason, Eckarka, Bhuddaism and still has a longing for something I didn’t know about. In all of these I had a life possible which I adhered to uncompromising. That’s to hurt not anybody; inspired from Law of Karma which I read about from a Rosicrucian digest. One fateful day while in the bushes of my grandmother’s farm where I spend a good time of my life, I had the most amazing feeling experience of my life. I can’t describe it’s essence. It was characterized by
    -Ultimate joy
    Still in that state of a shroud I consciously sought if this is the Truth I have been seeking. The response came deeper than intuition- I had experienced intuition multiple times delivering elements which make me write songs, a thing I’m good at I think.
    The response to my inquiry came instantly inside me so clear. The answer was
    -this is absolute( the “experience” cited above.
    -Catholicism has a value.
    Jen that moment was memorable, the sweetest thing.
    From that instant I understood what or who God is, my unique perception of Him. I can’t to understand that there’s everything when you surrender. So I have learnt to surrender, assuming “brainlessness” on plenty situations, that I do I always have amazing guides mentally.
    I will end here for now. I hope my write up makes sense. Waiting to hear what you think. Thanks for your initiative.

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      February 8, 2023 / 12:25 pm

      Hi Ferdinand, that sounds like extraordinary insight. Are you able to access that state of surrender on a daily basis? What you describe sounds like what we are studying in my Kriya Yoga class: “Samadhi” – the highest state of consciousness. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

  3. March 7, 2023 / 8:56 pm

    I’m trying to write a book about experiences with guardian angels, but I don’t know how to get people to confide their stories to me. Do I need a website? I have just written a book about paranormal experiences, (which took forever to collect the stories!) but it hasn’t been released yet. When it is I will have a website.

    Do you have any suggestions that could help me?

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      March 10, 2023 / 9:04 am

      Hi Vicki, I just sent you an email😀

    • Diane
      June 23, 2024 / 11:10 pm

      I simply tell everyone I meet about my stories with Spirit in my day to day life and people openly share theirs. I’ve found that many do believe in the afterlife but keep it hidden and are fearful or embarrassed to talk about it.

      • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
        August 10, 2024 / 12:14 pm

        Very true, I think! I experienced a lot of fear and embarrassment before publishing this post!❤️

  4. Martin Rueda Jr
    April 9, 2023 / 3:16 am

    I’m just now walking my spiritual path and I’m learning about guardian angels. I’ve read that you have to ask for their names or you can name them. I first named it harmony then God or the angel gave me a sign of what the name is Eliyahu Hanavi is the angels name. I been keeping it simple with my walk with my guardian angel and the requests I make.

  5. Sandra
    May 14, 2023 / 12:28 pm

    Hi Jen!
    I am so sorry for the passing on of your beloved grandpa, and liks others I am glad that you are now at peace.
    God did not create war, sicknesses or anything bad on this Earth. We did and we continue to do so. Why does He let them happen, because we are not puppets and He has always given us free will. Adam and Eve had free will too, and with this free will, we can choose who to believe in and love.
    God love us all as His children and His arms are always wide open wauting for anybody who chooses to believe in Him and love Him.
    Back to the subject, my mom did have some experience after the passing of my daddy. I think he was telling her that he is okay. Let me share this story in another post.
    Bless, Jen!

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      May 17, 2023 / 4:12 pm

      Hi Sandra, I’ll send you an email so I can learn your story! Thanks so much for connecting, blessings💗

  6. John Price
    October 22, 2023 / 8:40 am

    Remember unfallen angel’s want you to look to God and not angels that is a fact with all unfallen angel’s and if you encounter a so called angel that doesn’t direct you to look to God then that is a fallen Angel of you have that kind of encounter you need to say in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Satan get out of here and when you say that you have to put all your faith into it in Jesus Christ our Lord!!!

  7. Jennifer
    January 17, 2024 / 3:51 pm

    Wow! This is such a beautiful story. I love reading people’s variousnand unique guardian angel stories and yours was so si touching. I lost someone very close to me around 3 years ago now. The part where you said that he was lifeless and that animated force was gone resonated with me because the person I lost was so full of life and when I saw him lying there, it seemed so unreal. I know that he is somewhere happy and peaceful and he is just as bubbly as he was on Earth, thank you for sharing!

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      January 21, 2024 / 5:21 pm

      I’m so glad this story was uplifting for you! Based on my own experience and all of the stories I’ve been told by others, I feel certain your loved one is still watching over you even now.🙏🏻💗

  8. February 6, 2024 / 10:02 am

    “I believe in God, I believe in angels and I believe in the power of prayer.” Thank you, beautiful!!

  9. Diane
    June 23, 2024 / 11:15 pm

    To the author Jen, yes, we are spirits and live on. Einstein proved in his famous formula E=Mc2 that energy is neither created or destroyed but changes form. We are primarily energy. Your grandfather is communicating with you. Meditation can help you hear or contact a local or online psychic-medium.

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      August 10, 2024 / 12:17 pm

      I did recently talk with a medium, and I received messages from all four of my grandparents that have crossed over. Messages were on topics that were known only to myself and my family – it was incredible!

  10. Paul Elgas
    September 12, 2024 / 11:01 pm

    Hi , from Paul in Australia .. my gurdian angel is the biggest blessing in my life. We were teenage sweethearts unknown at the time. she died in 1992 , aged 23 in a car accident. For the next 34 years she has become closer to me in so many ways , signs on number plates, walls , mediums , dreams , it’s like all my thoughts are her thoughts … anyway it’s our journey together in spirit and on earth so agree with all you say on angels

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      October 4, 2024 / 2:15 pm

      How beautiful that she continues to guide you! I agree that these signs often feel like the greatest blessings🙏🏻

  11. Catherine Sludds
    November 8, 2024 / 9:24 am

    My Guardian Angel leaves me feathers to show he/she is near and protecting me. I have a 23 so far. I pray to my Guardian Angel when I wake, thanking him/her for protecting me and keeping me safe and ask to guide me to use my talents for my life’s purpose. I also ask my Guardian Angel to talk to someone else’s Guardian Angel to help them. I know 3 people who have seen their Guardian Angels. My mother-in-law was in a hospice dying from cancer and said she had met her Guardian Angel, knew his name and was at peace. A friend said, after losing her first born, she woke in the middle of the night to see her Guardian Angel at the foot of her bed. He was watching her whilst writing in a book. A third person met her Guardian Angel whilst she was seriously ill in hospital and no longer worried about dying.
    Life is a gift from God and he gives us one body to live it in. I believe before we are born our soul meets with God, our Guardian Angel and our Soul Family (people who will be close to you on earth). You create a blue print for your life with the challenges you experience that teach you lessons so your soul can grow. Some people have more challenges than others – other souls with less challenges may be resting after a difficult previous life – some people chose many challenges to learn faster. Challenges may be illness; money problems; addictions; greed; losing a loved one etc. You are given talents in line with your Life’s Purpose – so if you want to know what your Life’s Purpose is look at what you are good at, what comes naturally to you and fills you with passion. Life is a blessing with amazing experiences and lessons.

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      November 15, 2024 / 7:26 pm

      Thank you for sharing so much beautiful information on angels!

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