How I Transformed My Dreary Backyard into an Organic Garden Oasis


For years, I dreamed of turning my dreary backyard into an organic garden oasis.

This past summer, I finally turned that dream into reality.


BEFORE: Here’s Where We Started

This was our view of our yard looking out of our house.

The yard featured a chain-link fence, some rocks, and lots of overgrown brush and weeds.

It was “meh.” Uninspiring.


Here’s How We Transformed the Space

We started by clearing out the overgrown brush and cutting down a few tree branches to bring more sunlight into the area.

We put up a white picket fence.

Then we built raised beds made of cedar.

We added a fountain.

Next we added crushed stone gravel, which is KEY for creating pathways and blocking weeds.

We poured soil and plenty of certified organic compost into the beds.

We installed arches so that our plants could grow upwards and maximize garden space.

Then we added a variety of herb, fruit, and veggie seedlings that we purchased from an organic plant nursery.

Next, we got a few planters and filled them with flowers to bring more color to the space.

As a final touch, we added some furniture — like some lounge chairs and a fire pit —  so we could sit out and enjoy our brand new garden oasis.



AFTER: Our Organic Backyard Garden

love our backyard garden and spend so much time out here. I didn’t realize this would be the case when we started, but we basically added a whole new “room” to our home.

I love hanging out in the garden with Trevor after school to have a “picnic” (i.e., after-school snack) and hear about his day.

Last night, Chris and I sat out in the garden after Trevor went to bed. The sky was clear, full of stars, and there was a full moon. It was so relaxing to gaze up at the sky while listening to the gentle flow of water from the fountain and watch the garden plants sway in the breeze.

Here’s the best part:

I just have to step outside my kitchen to get all the fresh organic veggies and herbs that I need for dinner!



Here Are My Top 5 Tips to Create Your Own Organic Backyard Garden Oasis:

1.) Add a Water Feature

At first, I hesitated to buy a fountain because I thought it was an unnecessary expense. But the fountain has become one of my absolute favorite aspects of the garden. It adds an aesthetic touch, and the melody of water flowing is the most soothing sound.

2.) Include Plenty of Pathways

This is KEY to making your garden inviting and easy to maintain. You’ll be motivated to get into your garden each day to pick and prune when you’ve made the space really comfortable to stroll around. Consider 2-foot-wide pathways made of pavers, river pebbles, or crushed stone gravel. This keeps weeds and bugs away, and also makes the space look and feel welcoming and harmonious.

3.) Use Lots of Quality Compost

A lot of people think an “organic” label has to do with luxury or status. This couldn’t be further from the truth! The purpose of organic gardening is to support ecological balance and biodiversity. In order to avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the key is to grow strong, healthy plants. And plants really thrive with lots of quality compost. To keep your garden “certified” organic, look for the OMRI label on your soil and compost.

4.) Add Arches and Large Obelisks

Help vining plants grow upward to really maximize your growing space. Arbors and large trellises also introduce height to your garden, adding lots of beauty. Plants that thrive on arches and obelisks include: tomato, cucumber, winter and summer squash, and pea plants.

5.) Attract Pollinators

Thriving gardens need pollinators like bees and butterflies! Ask your local garden nursery to point you in the direction of pollinator-friendly native plants to plant throughout each of your garden beds.  Bonus: flowering plants add so much vibrant color and beauty to your garden.


Please share this post with someone who loves gardens!

And also please feel free to comment or email me with any thoughts or questions about my backyard makeover. I love discussing all things garden related!


Other Organic Backyard Garden Posts You May Love:

Have Kids? Heres Why You Should Grow A Garden

Top 7 Tips For Success For Your Organic Backyard Garden

The Easiest Plants to Grow for Beginner Gardeners






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  1. October 2, 2023 / 3:40 pm

    Stunning! I love how it looks – peaceful and useful at the same time.

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      October 4, 2023 / 10:08 am

      It has quickly become my favorite part of our home!💗

  2. Laurie
    July 15, 2024 / 11:03 pm

    Can you provide information of where you got the raised beds, fountains, and arches?

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      August 10, 2024 / 12:00 pm

      Check out your local garden supply stores for fountains. I browsed several local stores before I found the perfect one! Amazon has great options for arches – check out the ones that have a large number of positive reviews. As for the raised beds, my father-in-law is very handy and built them himself using cedar. You can find excellent guides to building raised beds on YouTube or hire someone local to build for you.❤️

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