21 Photos to Inspire You To Visit Stowe Vermont In Fall

Breathtaking autumn foliage, cascading waterfalls, and panoramic mountain views. Here are the top reasons why you can’t miss Stowe, Vermont in fall!


Since he caught sight of it on the first morning of our arrival to Stowe, Vermont, Trevor has had one thing on his agenda.

Well, two things actually.

Mostly, he wants to visit the “ice cream factory” (i.e., the flagship Ben & Jerry’s factory located in Stowe).

But also, he really wants to ride “the red gondola” (i.e., Stowe Mountain Resort’s Gondola Skyride).

And now is his moment. 

He chit chats with the gondola attendant as we wait for Chris to catch up with us in line.

The we all hop aboard, the doors close, and we begin our ascent to the very peak of Mt. Mansfield.

As we look to our left and our right and ahead of us and below us – everywhere, the trees are on fire.

Just ablaze with every shade of autumn glory: vivid red leaves and oranges and yellows and even some purples.

Just ablaze and rolling along the swaying grasses and the towering trees and the acres of peaceful farmland.

Just ablaze and reaching from the humblest shrubs on the ski trails below us to the summits of the Green Mountains that stoop and bow beneath the blue sky.

Tru is loving the thrill of the ride as we continue our steady climb up, up, up toward the sky.

And I, meanwhile, am falling in love with this place called Stowe, which is as lovely in the peak of fall foliage season as anything I’ve ever seen.


Here are the top reasons why you can’t miss traveling to Stowe, Vermont in the fall:


Stowe Has The Most Breathtaking Fall Foliage

I know I’m not impartial since I grew up here, but I have to argue that New England offers some of the world’s most scenic and colorful fall foliage. Stowe, Vermont, in particular, has the most stunning autumn color I’ve ever seen. Across the rolling farmland and over the Green Mountains that filled the skyline, the color was exploding when we visited in mid-October. Giant old trees were bursting with vivid reds and yellows, and the mountains seemed to roll in waves of rainbow color. If you want to plan your trip to Stowe during peak foliage season, there are lots of online foliage trackers available to help you figure it out. We used this Vermont Fall Foliage Report, and it accurately predicted peak fall color.

Stowe Is The Most Charming Town 

Stowe is a peaceful, charming town that seems to softly whisper to travelers, “Slow down. There’s no hurry here. Breathe. Take it all in.” Stowe’s “downtown” is a quaint little Main Street, filled with country stores and local restaurants. Scattered across town, there are aprés ski restaurants that are at once cozy and casual but also unbelievably delicious and gourmet. To call the town of Stowe “scenic” is a major understatement. The town seems to harken back to some other idyllic time of the distant past: vivid red barns sit perched on rolling hills where horses and cows graze peacefully. 

Stowe Has Mountains and Waterfalls and Hikes Galore

Stowe is definitely for nature lovers. Everywhere you turn, there are nature trails that wander through dense wooded forests and along rocky river rapids. If you’re yearning to breathe some fresh mountain air and feel one with nature, Stowe is your place! You can choose from challenging mountain hikes to cave climbs to easy strolls with scenic overlooks. One of our favorite family friendly hikes was Sterling Falls Trail. It was a fairly easy and flat dirt path that wound along a river, including some scenic overlooks of the waterfalls.

Stowe Has Lots of Fun Attractions

Trevor’s favorite attraction in Stowe was definitely the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory. More than the short tour through the factory, he loved sampling the ice cream: “va-yi-ya” (vanilla) with rainbow sprinkles. Aside from the ice cream factory, there are also teddy bear, cheese, and apple cider factories in Stowe. We also loved wandering through the very scenic grounds (with incredible mountain vistas) at the Trapp Family Lodge. We even did a short hike to a beautiful stone chapel. Another highlight for us was the Gondola Skyride to the top of Mt. Mansfield for sweeping views of the Green Mountains drenched in vivid fall color. There are also zip line tours, scenic drives through the mountains, and old fashioned covered bridges over babbling brooks.


For More on Vermont Travel, Check Out:

Ultimate Winter Weekend Guide | Woodstock Vermont with Kids

Travel Confessions: Adventures in the Green Mountains of Vermont


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