Puppy’s First Taste of Summer (And a Frozen Dog Treat Recipe!)

Summer descended upon New England in a not-so-sweet subtle way this year.

Our weather so far has alternated between 100 degree heat and humidity and drenching thunder storms.

But sweet little puppy Calvin has already fully embraced his first summer, and he intends to make the most of it.

He’s already got a long list of summer favorites:

Summer Favorite #1: Collecting tennis balls.

I say “collecting” because he’s not so much into Fetching.

Once he retrieves a tennis ball, he likes to keep it.

He’s most often seen running after tennis ball #2 while still carrying tennis ball #1 in his mouth.

Smart Cal feels he earned those tennis balls, and he’s not giving them back.

Summer Favorite #2: Finding a comfortable spot in the sun to lie down and chew on a stick or a wood chip.

True, Cal’s only been alive a few months, but he already knows “it’s all about the little things in life.”

Summer Favorite #3: Chewing on grass.

This is one hobby Calvin tried to embrace, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

One day he just started eating our lawn like it was his new favorite treat.

Despite our best efforts to stop him, every time we turned around, there was Calvin, smacking his jaws lazily like an MLB coach sitting in the dugout, grass hanging out of the corners of his mouth.

He tried to hide the grass chewing from us. (See that little bit of green evidence dangling from the side of his mouth.)

But this face gave him away.

That sour look spells out exactly how his tummy reacted to a day of grass chewing.

And he hasn’t gone back to the ‘chewing on grass’ hobby ever since.

Summer Favorite #4: Training for Puppy Summer Olympics.

Calvin keeps Chris and I cracking up by suddenly breaking into all-out Sprinting Drills, tearing back and forth across the yard.

He’s impressive. So impressive, I can never capture a good, clear oncoming photo.

We literally can’t keep up with him when he makes up his mind to run.

And he loves to do flying leaps and sometimes somersault to retrieve his tennis ball or frisbee.

He knows he’s good.

He panted for the first time after a good run on the first really hot day.

And I couldn’t get enough of this face with that adorable tiny pink tongue.

Summer Favorite # 5: Sniffing.

Anywhere, anytime.

Cal’s a beagle.

Enough said.

Summer Favorite #6: Sitting and looking irresistible, thus earning heaps of praise, kisses, and treats.

Calvin has perfected the I’m-So-Cute-You-Can’t-Resist Look to such a degree, a complete stranger at the vet just scooped him up and kissed him on top of his head.

Summer Favorite #7: Taking summer road trips.

This is a hobby-in-training at the moment.

Calvin wasn’t big enough to see out the window on his first weekend road trip.

So he mostly slept.

I know I’ll eventually get that snapshot of him with his head out the window, ears flapping in the wind.

Summer Favorite #8: Snacking on his very own homemade dog treats, which are frozen to keep him cool all summer.

I noticed Cal looking longingly at my healthy Triple Berries and Cream Swirl Pops and wondered if he would like a healthy frozen treat of his own.

So I made him some yogurt and berry mini treats, and I was surprised to see how much he loved a snack so healthy and good for him!

Cal’s such a fan of these healthy treats, he couldn’t wait for the photo shoot to be over already.

The best thing about these treats: they’re extemely quick and easy to make, with just three ingredients.

Because this energetic little guy’s antics keep me too busy to have time for much more.

(I’m still wondering what this super mischevous look says about what Cal just did or is about to do…)

Here is the complete recipe:

Blueberry Frozen Dog Treats

Total Time: 6 hours 10 minutes
Prep: 10 minutes
Inactive: 6 hours

Yield: 16 treats 



1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup plain yogurt
2 tablespoons honey



Puree all three ingredients in a food processor.  Spoon mixture into ice cube trays.  Freeze for at least six hours.  If treats do not release from ice cube tray by tapping on countertop, run the bottom of the ice cube tray under hot water for several seconds to help loosen the treats.
Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new ingredients into your pet’s diet.



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  1. June 25, 2012 / 1:49 pm

    A reason to fall in love all over again.Thank you for sharing. Blesses .Jalal Michael

    • June 26, 2012 / 2:19 pm

      Calvin does have a way of making everyone fall in love with him. Thank you for your comments 🙂

  2. June 25, 2012 / 1:54 pm

    This has got to be the cutest puppy ever! My little yorkie loves Frostie Paws, I should try to make her one from scratch too!

  3. Melanie
    June 25, 2012 / 2:01 pm

    I just started following your blog becauase a) I too love healthy cooking and your recipes look delicious and relatively simple and b) your dog is so cute I can hardly handle it – I just sent my bf photos of your dog as more encouragement for us to get one of our own. Keep posting pics of that little guy! What a cutie!

  4. June 25, 2012 / 2:03 pm

    From reading the head line of this post .. I knew my poor old heart will become warm and bleeding again. That little face is heartstealing …. He are so gorgeous – He do like he wasn’t too impressed with the summer … on most of the photos .. looks a bit bored – and feed up
    Maybe you didn’t throw the ball enough.-
    Those pops looks good enough for me too and I like what is in them too. What a gourmet puppy. Love the photos where he are “smiling” and sitting by the table having a good eye on those dog desserts. Love the post.

    • June 26, 2012 / 2:25 pm

      Haha, he does look fed up in most! And do you know what I think it is? I think he’s annoyed with me asking him to keep looking at the camera for my photos! 🙂

      • June 26, 2012 / 2:29 pm

        He is a man …. *smile … He are such a lovely creature and he knows it – so way play along .. the power is his corner and he are aware of it.

  5. June 25, 2012 / 2:12 pm

    I want to die right now. Or steal your puppy.

  6. June 25, 2012 / 3:07 pm

    omg, your puppy is so darn cute.. omg, he would make me melt.. i would sleep with it, cuddle with it, and never let it out of my site. who needs a baby when u can have a puppy. 🙂

  7. Sam
    June 25, 2012 / 3:46 pm

    So adorable! Looking forward to trying the recipe for our dog Bama who also thinks that catching and keeping balls is better than retrieving!

    • June 26, 2012 / 2:27 pm

      Hi Sam! If you try the recipe, let me know how Bama like them! Cal can be kind of picky so I wasn’t sure he’d like these, but he eats them right up 🙂

  8. June 25, 2012 / 4:02 pm

    Your puppy, oh my gosh your puppy. I am just melting into his eyes like he would be melting into your doggy treats 🙂
    So cute!

    Choc Chip Uru

  9. June 25, 2012 / 4:25 pm

    What a busy little life he has! I love the photo of him sleeping… how can you resist picking him up and cuddling him all the time? He’s already a legend 🙂

  10. June 25, 2012 / 5:06 pm

    Oh I am so glad you did another post about Calvin. He is so adorable! I just love to look at your pictures. Can’t wait to try these treats on Happy, Ladd and Lucy. Lucy is Ladd’s mother and we are enjoying a visit with her.

  11. June 25, 2012 / 5:49 pm

    Gah, he’s so cute, I can’t stand it! Love the idea of frozen treats for pups – I bet my girl Bella would be all over those!

  12. June 25, 2012 / 7:48 pm

    I just love Calvin, he’s so cute (even when misbehaving ;)). Love those frozen treats – perfect for pups or their owners!

  13. June 25, 2012 / 8:57 pm

    Awwwwwww I want a Calvin!!!! What a cutie! He’s a very lucky pup!

  14. June 25, 2012 / 10:39 pm

    This kind of relentless cuteness should be illegal; my face nearly cracked after smiling and grinning for so long as I scrolled down this post! Calvin is a total honey, and I can’t wait to share his frozen doggie treats with our Reggie! Best photo of the bunch? Either the mid-air twist (that’s a proper gymnastics move, that is) or the crashed-out sleeping pose. It’s tough to choose.

  15. mjskit
    June 25, 2012 / 11:38 pm

    You know my eyes are filled with tears of happiness right now after running through all of these pictures of Calvin. He is SO, SO precious and I really LOVE that you share him with us like this! I don’t have a favorite picture because they are ALL great! I can’t believe you made him those wonderful treats. How about making me some? 🙂

  16. June 26, 2012 / 10:38 am

    How absolutely sweet. Puppies and kittens are the best. Love how they smell. Like babies. Almost, heavy on the almost, makes me want to get another one. 🙂

  17. June 26, 2012 / 10:41 am

    OMG this puppy is adorable, and the photo of him looking at those frozen treats is priceless!

  18. June 26, 2012 / 12:51 pm

    It’s so tough having that first baby! 🙂 Now you are cooking for HIM instead of you…how funny it that!??!?! LOL!

  19. June 27, 2012 / 11:08 am

    I love your blog, and your Calvin posts are the best! I have a four-month old Labrador Retriever puppy, so everything you write about Calvin rings true for me! Like Calvin, my puppy is an adorable rascal, worth every bit of naughtiness and destruction!
    One quick question: is honey (or any sweeter) fine for dogs?

  20. June 27, 2012 / 3:56 pm

    Calvin is so cute, especially with his flying hears!

  21. Food Stories
    June 28, 2012 / 2:33 pm

    Calvin is adorable … love the pics 🙂

  22. jennifer
    June 29, 2012 / 12:37 pm

    Calvin is sooooo adorable! Love your blog! He and Dora seem like kindred spirits 🙂

  23. July 3, 2012 / 5:46 pm

    omg sooo cute he doesn’t even look real!

  24. July 5, 2012 / 9:11 pm

    This dog is OVER the top adorable! I’ll remember to refer to this post when I’m having a bad day for an instant pick me up!

    • July 5, 2012 / 9:12 pm

      P.S. Cal totally needs a page dedicated to him (*hint hint*) for quick reference 😉

  25. July 18, 2012 / 9:52 pm

    I love seeing photos of Cal!!!! I don’t know how I missed the one with him and his treats. He looks like a kid in a high chair! Too cute!!

  26. July 19, 2012 / 4:07 pm

    Awwwww. Calvin is SO adorable! And Flying Leap looks amazing – some magical doggie with signature moves!:-)

  27. Zoe
    July 31, 2014 / 10:17 pm

    I added some shredded carrot to mine!

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      August 1, 2014 / 9:46 am

      What a great (very healthy) addition 🙂