I’m Worthy Of Love At Any Size



“Make a ‘goal weight’ your only goal, and you’re nothing but a number. Or make self acceptance your goal and realize you’re worthy of love at any size.”


Here’s something I’ve discovered about myself: when my brain gets really fixated on the idea of a “goal weight,” it can cause so much emotional pain! I start believing that the number on the scale is the only thing that matters; the top priority. I start to think that I don’t have value, that I don’t deserve happiness, when I can’t achieve my goal. Those are painful thoughts because they’re not truthful thoughts. I’ve dug down to the heart of what I really want, and here’s what I’ve figured out: The real thing I’m seeking – the only thing I’ve ever truly searched for – is my own self approval. The good news: that acceptance is something I can give myself right now; the number on the scale is completely beside the point.


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  1. October 3, 2019 / 10:11 pm

    Great message! Love this. 🙂

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      October 4, 2019 / 7:31 pm

      Hi Julie, This quote is from my personal journal and I was nervous to share it. So your note means so much to me. Thank you!💕💕

  2. Tasha
    May 14, 2023 / 12:36 am

    I love this. I am going to remind myself of this often…
    I have been struggling lately with weight-loss. Before I started being more mindful of what I was eating and exercising, I feel like I accepted my size. I came to love my body. Then I decided I needed to lose some weight for health reasons. I needed more energy, I needed to work on mobility too. But then I just started obsessing over my goal weight. Endless window shopping online of swimsuits and clothes of what I will wear when I’m a certain size. But I don’t like when I begin obsessing like that. I’m trying to also be mindful of the journey. My life is right now. It doesn’t begin when I lose x amount of pounds. I know I am so loved by my 6 children and my husband right now. As I am. I am worthy to love myself, too. I appreciate your words you have shared.
    I can approve of myself now and on this journey and into the future. I am going to start focusing on self-acceptance. Thank You xoxo

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      May 17, 2023 / 4:26 pm

      I love all that you’ve said here – so inspiring! And the best part: when you love and embrace your body, you demonstrate that for your children as well! What could be more beautiful? Buy that swimsuit or dress that you love at the size you are NOW and celebrate that newfound self acceptance!💗💗

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