Calvin’s Christmas Cookies (Dog Treats)


I really wanted to add to my list of homemade dog treats in time for Christmas this year.

Because – unlike most individuals on my holiday shopping list – my beagle Calvin is so easy and uncomplicated.

He’s thrilled to receive the simplest of things: some crispy, tasty cookies!

And he has a huge appetite for sweet treats.

I feel guilty during the holidays whipping up lots of desserts made for humans, as Cal sits wide-eyed and drooling at my feet, hoping for a taste of whatever it is that smells so delicious.

It’s nice to make a healthy homemade treat that’s just for him to enjoy.


These “Christmas Cookies” are filled with healthy, whole ingredients for dogs, and they have festive holiday colors from all-natural toppings (red cranberries and green pumpkin seeds!)


They’re easy to make, and they work well as a homemade gift.

Here is the complete, printable recipe:

5.0 from 2 reviews
Calvin's Christmas Cookies (Dog Treats)
Recipe type: Healthy, clean, whole dog treat recipe
Total Time: 55 minutes
Hands-On Time: 20 minutes
Inactive Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 12-15 minutes

Yield: 18 small treats

Level: Easy
  • 1 cup rye flour (or substitute rice flour or all-purpose flour)
  • ¾ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 2 tablespoons organic honey
  • 3½ tablespoons olive oil (or substitute organic canola oil)
  • 2 tablespoons organic dried cranberries, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
  1. Add the flour, baking powder, applesauce, honey, and olive oil to a mixing bowl. Stir until well combined.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  3. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface and roll out to about half an inch thick. Cut treats with a cookie cutter and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  4. Firmly press a few pieces of chopped cranberries and pumpkin seeds into the top of each cookie.
  5. Bake for about 12-15 minutes, or until treats are firm to the touch.
  6. Turn off oven and open oven door. Allow cookies to cool in oven, about 20-30 minutes.
  7. Storage: cookies will keep for several days when stored in a covered airtight container in a cool, dry, shaded location. Cookies may also be frozen: separate treats with parchment paper and store in an airtight covered container.

*Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new ingredients into your pet’s diet.


And of course, I had to look through a few pictures of Calvin during the holidays to go along with this recipe…


…We wondered at first if Cal might get into the presents or topple ornaments off of the Christmas tree, but Calvin mostly ignores the piles of gifts.


He has received his own Christmas stocking in the past, which does catch his interest.


Of course, he has his own ideas about what to do with it.


Living in New England, we usually have a white Christmas.


Luckily, as much as he dislikes cold and rain, Calvin gets really excited about snow.

He loves to get out and run and jump through it.

And toss it into the air and dig through it too.


We travel quite a lot during the holidays, so Calvin does tire of it all after a while.


At the end of the day, he likes to find a cozy spot with some sunlight to settle in for a nap.


Of course, as soon as any holiday meal or treat comes out, Calvin’s up and right back in the game.

So long as the holidays involve plenty of food, Cal’s a big fan of Christmas.

Get More Recipes for Homemade Dog Treats and See More of Calvin’s Adventures.




Always consult your veterinarian before introducing any new ingredients into your pet’s diet.



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  1. December 24, 2014 / 3:24 pm

    Calvin is such a good boy to sit there so nicely for photos while being tempted by treats. I don’t think my pup would be so patient! Merry Christmas!

  2. January 23, 2015 / 1:08 pm

    HI! We came across your dog treat recipes on Pinterest and love your blog posts and photography. Is Calvin interested in doing a product review and giveaway? We’re happy to send some treats for him to try!

  3. Sue
    March 8, 2015 / 11:01 am

    while looking for a recipe for a canine birthday cake, i found your site. Firstly – Calvin is absolutely gorgeous.
    I am sure that my dog will enjoy trying the recipes. We have had a test run of a carrot cake, [minus any frosting, as that was what i was looking for] but now, i think i will try not only the Calvins’ reccommended treats, and cakes, i will try some of the ‘human’ recipes as well,
    Thank you

    • March 9, 2015 / 9:18 am

      Thanks so much for your note 🙂 I hope your dog loves the treats (and you too, for any “human” recipes you decide to try out)!

  4. Kaila Sadowski
    May 21, 2015 / 12:09 pm

    Just wanted to say how I stumbled upon your blog and really enjoy your dog recipes and especially the pics of Calvin. We have 2 beagles also and love them to pieces!

    • May 22, 2015 / 7:41 am

      Thanks so much for taking the time to send a note! Beagles are the best, aren’t they? 🙂

  5. Melinda Brydges
    December 24, 2020 / 12:43 pm

    my dogs loved these treats so much,thank you. Also your dogs are soooo cute! (:

    • Jen Elizabeth's Journals
      December 30, 2020 / 5:35 pm

      I’m glad your pups loved their treats! ❤️

  6. Naomi
    November 17, 2023 / 5:10 am

    How long would these cookies stay good if kept in the fridge after they are cooled down? Thanks!

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